Tasty Twists On Summertime Treats

summerLast week we talked about how increasing the amount of seafood you eat this summer could help you support the success of your dental implants. Today dental implants Cherry Hill, NJ provider Dr. Donn and the rest of his staff want to tell you how making a few tiny adjustments to some of your favorite summertime snacks could have you continuing to support your dental implants all season long.

Now that it’s officially summer, the days are going to grow longer and the temperature is only going to continue to rise. People everywhere are going to be seeking relief from the heat with classic summer treats like popsicles, ice cream, ice cold soda, juice, and Slurpees. Unfortunately, none of the previously mentioned items are necessarily good for your oral health. However, with a little planning and just a tad bit more effort, you could mitigate this problem almost instantly.

Make Your Own Popsicles

This is a great idea for turning a potentially unhealthy summertime snack into a tooth friendly treat. Popsicles have been around since our grandparents were kids. Everyone eats them, everyone loves them and trust us folks, they aren’t going anywhere anytime soon. Unfortunately, most popsicles these days are made from fruit juices that are more part sugar than they are fruit.

However, you can solve this problem. The next time you are in the grocery store pick up some sugar-free, 100% fruit juice in your favorite flavor. You can then freeze this juice into your own homemade popsicles!

If you are looking to give your homemade popsicles a little extra flare then try slicing pieces of fresh fruit like  nectarines, strawberries, and raspberries and adding them to the juice before you freeze it into popsicles. Not only will doing this make the popsicles even healthier for your teeth by adding fiber (which is great for your oral health) it will make them look cooler too!

You can find the fruit for your popsicles at any local supermarket or you can make it an adventure by visiting Springdale Farms. Here you can find a bounty of fresh fruits and veggies that you can take home and enjoy or turn into popsicles.

Another added bonus of making your own popsicles is that you can bring them to the next summer event you attend and they are guaranteed to be a hit. Everyone always wants to try a homemade dessert over a store bought one. Plus, by doing this not only will you be protecting your own teeth and dental implants but the teeth of your family and friends as well.

Pick Up Some Straws

Straws are a great tool for helping to protect both your natural teeth and your dental implants. As stated above, when the days get hot many people seek relief from the heat in ice cold drinks like juice and soda. However, many juices and almost all soda are chock full of sugar. This can present a problem for your oral health. Unfortunately, the last thing you want to do is limit yourself to just drinking water at all the get-togethers and BBQ’s you will be attending in the coming months.

Its a good thing you can find straws just about anywhere! The next time you are in the store, throw a package in your cart. When you drink beverages like soda and juice that are famous for being chock full of sugar, a straw helps the liquid pass through your lips without touching your teeth as much as it normally would. Your teeth and gums have less contact with the sugar and this is good for your dental implants.

Plus, who doesn’t love a crazy straw?

Until next time readers, keep smiling.