Sip A Beer This Summer For Your Smile

beerLast week we discussed how making a few minor adjustments to some of your favorite summertime treats could help you support the success of your oral health. Today dental implants Cherry Hill, NJ provider Dr. Donn and his entire staff want to talk about another classic summertime treat that may aid in supporting the health of your mouth. However, this particular treat is just for the big kids because we’re talking about beer.

Yep, beer.

History Time

The funny thing about beer is that it did not always taste the same way it does now. The distinct taste beer has today is due to the number of hops added to the beverage in modern day brewing recipes.

Beer has not actually always contained the number of hops it does today. The real addition of hops into beer recipes started in 18th century England. During this time in history, everything was transported and exported by ship. This method of travel had the tendency to take a long time. A very long time. Sea voyages tend to do that.

Because of this, people had to find ways to keep the edible and drinkable items they were transporting from spoiling. In beer’s case, the solution was to add more hops! Batches of beer which had a higher content of hops in their recipe survived the long sea voyages without going rotten. This led to additional hops being added to conventional beer recipes turning into a staple in the production process.

So How Does This Help My Teeth?

The answer to this question has to do with scientists seeing that hops were helping beer fend off the advance of bacteria. In 1937 antiseptic properties were first witnessed in hops. Fast forward 80 some year and scientists, the brilliant and persistent breed they are, have narrowed down what amazing things certain extracts in hops do for our bodies.

It wasn’t long before dentists hopped on the train as well. When antimicrobial properties were seen in hops dentists decided to give hops a shot at benefitting the human mouth. What they found is that hops are not only good for your oral health, acting like a type of tasty antimicrobial mouthwash when consumed in beer, but they can also help to prevent oral problems and tooth decay in your mouth’s future!

HUZZAH, beer!

Now, before we go completely off track here and start singing praises to the beer Gods, we have to cover our bases by saying that this post is not meant to debunk the fact that alcohol is bad for your teeth, because it still is. It’s just those little green balls that are a boon for your teeth. So, in reality it should be “Huzzah, hops!”

Local Places To Get A Pint

A few weeks ago we thought we would save you some footwork by suggesting our favorite local place to get some seafood. Today, we figured we would do the same thing and suggest one of our favorite local spots to grab a beer.

Zinburger not only has some great beers and happy hour specials, but they have amazing burgers and milkshakes as well! They are also famous for their selection of wine as well! So if beer is not your thing, Zinburger has you covered. This is a classic all-American eatery with a modern flare. It’s perfect for a family outing or a date! Why not stop by and give Zinburger a try? Maybe we will see you there.

Until next time readers, cheers and keep smiling.