Home Care Dental Tips

Your smile is designed to last a lifetime if you take good care of it. The two most important things you should do to protect your smile are to practice effective oral care at home every day and visit Dr. Donn in Cherry Hills for regular checkups.

Take Care of Your Smile Every Day!

You need to do these three things every day to protect your smile:

  1. Brushing
  2. Flossing or using a water flosser
  3. Rinsing with mouthwash

Brushing, flossing, and rinsing every day are the best way to remove plaque, tartar, and other debris which can cause cavities and gum disease.

Effective Brushing Habits

It doesn’t matter if you use a manual or electric toothbrush as long as you do the following:

  • Brush twice a day.
  • Use firm pressure, but don’t press too hard or it could damage your enamel.
  • Brush for at least two minutes.
  • Thoroughly brush all available surfaces of your teeth.
  • Hold the brush at a 45 degree angle to your gums.
  • Select a toothbrush that easily fits inside your mouth.
  • Replace brush when bristles are frayed.

Both Manual and Electric Toothbrushes Are Effective

Researchers have discovered that the most important factor in effective brushing is not the type of brush you choose–it’s how long you brush. Many people brush longer with an electric toothbrush that contains a timer. A lot of models also feature apps which encourage kids to do a better job when brushing.

Don’t Forget to Floss

Many people don’t floss even though they know it’s important. The main reasons people say they are not flossing is because it’s painful or inconvenient. In fact, studies indicate that only 2 to 15 percent of people floss every day.

Water flossers, also referred to as oral irrigators or by the brand name Waterpik, are an effective alternative to flossing. A water flosser has several advantages over dental floss:

  • Gentle on gums
  • Effective and easy to use around braces
  • It’s fun
  • Reduces the thickness of plaque on teeth
  • Flushes out deep pockets of infected regions for people suffering with gum disease.
  • Helps reduce the likelihood of contracting gum disease

Don’t Forget to Rinse with Mouthwash

Mouthwash is another effective tool for protecting your teeth. You should rinse your mouth every day with a mouthwash that fights against the germs that cause gum disease. You also want to select a mouthwash which contains fluoride, but children under 6 years of age should not be using fluoride yet.

Visit Your Cherry Hill Dentist Today

Even if you take good care of your smile every day, it’s still important to see Dr. Donn in Cherry Hill for regular checkups. So give us a call to make that appointment today.