Now that you know what dental implants are made of and what makes so successful, are you wondering why you should consider dental implants? At Craig S. Donn in Cherry Hill and Camden County, NJ, we want our patients to feel confident with their smiles, whether they are touching up or receiving an artificial tooth. With dental implants, they offer all the benefits of natural teeth, and also hold a few advantages over dentures and dental bridges that may surprise patients.
Function Like Real Teeth
Dental implants are crafted to look and feel like real teeth, but few realize that they can function like real teeth as well. Thanks to the process of osseointegration, dental implants are embedded deep into the jawbone and fuse to the bone. This strong bond ensures that the dental implant is not at risk of breaking or falling out. They are also as strong as a natural tooth, to tackle the most stubborn of foods like crunchy, sticky, and tough edibles.
Natural Appearance
Dental implants are customized in every way, from the titanium screw that embedded below to the prosthetic tooth placed on top. It’s to ensure that the dental implant fits comfortably as a whole and Dr. Donn will be with you at every step to make sure that this goal is met. Since the prosthetic tooth is made from porcelain, it can be stained and shaped to match the rest of your natural teeth. Your smile will be complete once again, and look so natural that your close friends and family won’t be able to tell the difference.
Improves Your Oral Health
In addition to looking and feeling natural, dental implants have an added bonus of being good for your health as well. When a tooth is lost, the gap it leaves behind is wide and difficult to heal from. Dental implants can fill that gap and give the bone something to wrap around and heal. This strengthens the jawbone, which in turn prevents your neighboring teeth from loosening and keeps facial collapse at bay.
Advantage Over Dentures
While it’s true that dentures can be a cheaper and quicker solution as a tooth replacement treatment, but there are certain aspects of dental implants that are superior to dentures and dental bridges. When it comes down to the root of the problem, mainly the condition of the jawbone, dentures only cover the hole that a missing tooth left behind. Dental implants actually fill the hole, down to the root, and give the bone a chance to recover and regenerate.
Studies have also shown that dentures only hold about half the usual bite pressure you would find with a normal set of teeth. This means that patients with dentures need to change how their food is prepared or finds softer additions to chew.
Patients with dentures may also have to deal with unexpected moments when their dentures fail or fall out. While attached with an adhesive, it’s not 100% secure. They can often fall out during talking or eating. Dental implants are permanent, with no risk of falling out.
Contact Us for Dental Implants
If you’re missing one or more teeth in Cherry Hill and Camden County, NJ, consider dental implants as your go-to tooth replacement solution. Contact us today to schedule a consultation with Dr. Donn, to discover what dental implants can do for you and your smile.