A Dental Implants Success Story

Here in Cherry Hill and Camden County, NJ, we are fully capable of performing the same dental implant treatment used for Brian Maixner. Here at Craig S. Donn, DDS, we love reading a good dental implant success story because dental implants are a great treatment for missing teeth that is fully capable of completely reinvigorating a bad smile. We love reading stories where a patient discovers just how much dental implants can do for them. We read one about two weeks ago where a waiter from Wichita, KS had his dental implant treatment fully funded by a generous customer. Today, Dr. Craig S. Donn is blogging from Cherry Hill and Camden County, NJ to tell the story of Brian Maixner and his smile makeover with dental implants.

Smile Makeovers Using Dental Implants in Cherry Hill and Camden County

For the longest time, Brian Maixner has suffered from missing teeth and oral infections. A waiter at the Doo-Dah Diner in Wichita, KS, Maixner still does his best to try and greet every customer he meets with his best smile. This last January, Maixner’s life was completely changed when a lawyer named Fred Boettcher happened to be passing through. Boettcher, who suffered from his own oral problems as a child, ended up at the diner and was waited upon by Maixner. When finished with his meal, Boettcher decided to do something nice for Maixner and left him a $25,000 tip and an invitation to Ponca City, OK to be treated by his dentist. Two months later and Maixner is now enjoying a set of temporary dentures while he waits for his new dental implants to heal. When asked about his new teeth, Maixner can only smile and remark about how much he’s enjoying the change.

The reason why dental implants are such a popular treatment when it comes to smile makeovers is because of how comfortable and stable they are. Dental implants are the only treatment for missing teeth that are fused to your jawbone, just like natural teeth are. Through a process called osseointegration, dental implants are accepted by your body and integrated into your jaw structure. This process is possible because dental implants are made from titanium, which is a metal that the body doesn’t recognize as unnatural. Because of this process, your dental implants should never get loose or move out of place because they are held permanently in position by your body. Not only that, but they require no additional maintenance to stay healthy and strong. You will merely need to brush and floss them just like you would your natural teeth.

Call and Schedule a Consultation with Dr. Donn

By restoring your missing teeth with dental implants, it is possible for you to completely redesign your smile. And, only dental implants will allow you to do this in a way that is both incredibly comfortable and completely reliable. If you would like to learn more about treatment with dental implants in Cherry Hill and Camden County, NJ, we encourage you to contact us and schedule a no-obligation consultation with dental implant provider, Dr. Craig S. Donn, today. We look forward to helping you design and achieve the smile that you have always wanted.