Dental Implants as a Solution for Tooth Decay

Our Cherry Hill and Camden County, NJ area patients know that missing teeth caused by tooth decay can be restored using dental implants.One of the most common causes of missing teeth in patients is tooth decay. The reason for this is because tooth decay can affect anyone; it is not exclusive to any one portion of society. Tooth decay is the result of a failure to keep your teeth properly clean and maintained. And, if it is left untreated, it can have disastrous effects on your smile. Today, Dr. Craig S. Donn is blogging from Cherry Hill and Camden County, NJ to talk about tooth decay and how dental implants can be used to reverse the damage to your smile done by it.

Restore Tooth Decay Damage with Dental Implants

Tooth decay is the result of failing to remove the plaque from your teeth. Plaque is a natural forming substance that gathers on your teeth throughout the day. What makes it so dangerous is the fact then it can attract bacteria. This bacteria creates acids that will proceed to eat away at your teeth. This is the condition we refer to as tooth decay, and some symptoms of it include chronic bad breath, off color spots on your teeth, and toothaches. It is to prevent this from happening that we brush and floss our teeth every night.

Tooth decay really becomes a problem when it begins to eat into the center of your teeth. When it manages to breach the enamel of your teeth, it forms a cavity, which you will need to treat with a dental filling. If tooth decay manages to reach the pulp of your tooth, you will need a root canal in addition to a filling. However, if tooth decay does too much damage to a tooth, the only solution will be to remove that tooth before the decay can spread to your other teeth.

If you are suffering from a missing tooth due to tooth decay, we recommend you replace that missing tooth with a dental implant. Dental implants are artificial tooth roots made from titanium. What makes them such a great treatment option is the fact that they are directly fused to the jawbone through a process called osseointegration. What happens is the titanium used by implants is not recognized by the body as a foreign substance, allowing your implants to be accepted by your jawbone and gums as a natural piece of your oral anatomy. Because of this process, your dental implants will function and feel just like one of your natural teeth.

Call and Schedule a Consultation in Cherry Hill and Camden County, NJ

As you can see, it is very important that you take proper care of your teeth in order to prevent tooth decay. If you are suffering from a missing tooth, we highly recommend you replace that tooth quickly with a dental implant, as waiting too long can result in teeth drifting and tooth decay. If you would like to learn more about the effects of tooth decay or the benefits of restoring missing teeth with dental implants, we encourage you to contact us and schedule a no-obligation consultation with dental implant provider Dr. Craig S. Donn today.