Dental Implants Aiding Women With Osteoporosis

Happy WomanIt appears that dental implants are continuing to prove their worth as being beneficial across the spectrum of human health. Today, dental implants Cherry Hill, NJ dentist Dr. Donn and the entire staff at Craig Donn, DDS want to share with you the amazing things dental implants appear to be doing for postmenopausal women.

For some time now dental implants have been hailed as the healthiest and most reliable method for mitigating tooth loss. They have also been praised for apparently benefiting various aspects of human health, from helping to prevent vascular disorders to improving emotional health. Now more and more studies are appearing, thus lending a voice of authority to back this praise for dental implants.

Much like the recent study performed at Case Western Reserve University School of Dental Medicine which has found that dental implants may just lend postmenopausal women suffering from osteoporosis a better quality of life.

It’s a well-known fact that postmenopausal women suffering from osteoporosis are much more likely to experience tooth loss than women who do not suffer from it. That being said, it has been a long running debate as to which method of tooth replacement treatment would offer these ladies the most avail.

As of late, it appears Case Western Reserve University School of Dental Medicine has arrived at an answer to this drawn out dispute.

This answer is backed by Leena Palomo, the associate professor of periodontics and corresponding author of “Dental Implant Supported Restorations Improve the Life in Osteoporotic Women.” The findings in this study were reported to the Journal of International Dentistry and were a result of analyzing the results of dental implant recipients who also happened to be female, postmenopausal and osteoporotic.

A few separate studies were performed. The first one being a survey in which 237 women were petitioned in regards to their satisfaction with the dental implants they had received and the resulting quality of life they were currently experiencing post implantation. This survey consisted of 23 questions which rated their happiness with emotional, professional, physical and sexual aspects of their lives.

According to Christine Debaz, the lead researcher on this project and also the person who interviewed each woman participating personally, women with dental implants reported a higher rating in all aspects of their lives.

Now, here the real piece de resistance; woman with dental implants reported the highest levels of satisfaction in both the emotional and sexual aspects of their lives. Women who choose to solve their tooth loss issues with other methods like fixed dental bridges and dentures reported the lowest ratings of satisfaction in these areas.

Who would have thought that dental implants could benefit you in so many different areas? It seems dental implants are just going to continue shining for the time being.

Until next time readers, keep smiling.