5 Great Foods for Healing Dental Implants

Our Cherry Hill and Camden County, NJ know that there are still many great foods they can eat while their dental implants heal. One of the first questions we tend to get asked after a successful dental implant procedure is “what am I allowed to eat?” While dental implants are fully capable of handling whatever food you might throw at them, they tend to be too sensitive to handle hard or chewy foods directly after the procedure. Luckily, there are still many great foods available that you can eat while you wait for your dental implants to heal. Today, Dr. Craig S. Donn is blogging from Cherry Hill and Camden County, NJ to talk about just some of the foods that are available to you during the recovery period of the dental implant process.

Foods for Your Dental Implants

While it is true that you will need to avoid foods that are hard or chewy during the recovery period of the dental implant process, there are still many great foods available to you. Some of these include:

1. Cheese

Some cheeses, such as Brie and Manchego, are great because they are naturally soft enough for your healing dental implant to handle. You can even continue to eat the harder cheeses, so long as you are sure to melt them first.

2. Yogurt

Yogurt is a great meal option when coming off of a dental procedure because it is naturally soft and creamy. And, yogurt also comes in a large variety of different flavors, making it easy to find one that fits your tastes.

3. Eggs

Not only are eggs a great source of protein, but they are also soft enough to eat with a healing implant no matter how you cook them. Eggs are also used in a never ending list of recipes, and easily combines with foods such as rice and vegetables.

4. Soup

Soup is one of the most popular meals for patients coming off of a dental procedure. This is not only because it is soft enough to be eaten with a sore mouth, but the warmth tends to make our patients feel much better. Like with yogurt, soup also comes in many different flavors, making it incredibly easy to find one that you like.

5. Soft Grains

Soft grain meals, such as cooked oatmeal, oat bran, and cream of wheat, are a great meal option after your dental implant procedure. These meals can also be spiced up by adding tasty treats such as berries, cinnamon, and even peanut butter.

Schedule a Dental Implants Consultation in Cherry Hill and Camden County

As you can see, there are still many great meals ahead of you while you wait for your dental implants to heal. What’s great about the foods listed above is that they can all be used to provide the base of other meals, giving you the freedom to experiment. If you would like to learn more about what kinds of food you should avoid while your dental implants heal, we encourage you to contact us and schedule a no-obligation consultation with dental implant provider, Dr. Craig S. Donn, today.