Fun Facts About St. Paddy


green beerNow that itā€™s officially March, many folks here in Cherry Hill, NJ are ready for the weather to warm up and spring to shift into full gear. However, here at Craig Donn, DDS dental implant provider Dr. Donn and the rest of his staff look forward to one other thing that march always brings with it ā€“ St. Patrickā€™s day.

Believe it or not there is so much myth and lore behind the celebrations dedicated to St. Patrickā€™s day that the majority of people donā€™t know what is true about St. Patrick and what isnā€™t. bearing this in mind, we decided to hit the internet in search of some interesting facts about St. Patrick and the traditions of this holiday and then bring them back here for you to enjoy.

Letā€™s take a look at some of the best facts we found about St. Patrickā€™s day.

There Were Never Any Snakes in Ireland

One of the most popular myths about St. Patrick is that he drove all the snakes off of the emerald isle and this is the reason there are no snakes in Ireland to this day. Unfortunately, despite how cool the image of a staff wielding saint driving an island worth or serpents into the oceans and toward their deaths, it isnā€™t the truth.

The truth is that there have never been any snakes in Ireland.Ā  The reason for this is because Ireland is an island surrounded on all sides by waters that are far too cold for any snake to try and swim through and then survive. Natively, there have never been snakes in Ireland, so the only way there would be snakes there now is if they migrated from a different part of the world by swimming. However, because of the waterā€™s temperature, no snake would be able to survive. Therefore, there have never been any snakes for St. Patrick to chase away.

St. Patrick Was Not from Ireland

Another popular belief that many people associate with St. Patrickā€™s day is that the patron saint of Ireland was Irish. The truth is Patrick was born in Britain which, at the time of his birth, was a part of the roman empire.

When Patrick was sixteen he was kidnapped by Irish raiders and taken to Ireland where he was held in captivity for six years. It was during his time in captivity that Patrick converted over to Christianity. Once he was released, Patrick decided to spend the remainder of his life in Ireland working as a Christian missionary.

Come Celebrate with Us at Forgotten Boardwalk Brewing

If itā€™s one thing weā€™ve learned today, itā€™s that St. Patrickā€™s day is quite literally submerged in folklore and beer. Personally, here at the office, we donā€™t see anything wrong with this fact as folklore and beer are two of lifeā€™s greatest pleasures. Fortunately, there is a place right here in Cherry Hill, NJ that celebrates both of these things and this is why we think Forgotten Boardwalk Brewing is the best place to celebrate St. Patrickā€™s day.

After all, ā€œForgotten Boardwalk Brewing Exists to spark curiosity through craft beer and folklore. Forgotten boardwalk and our beer will engage your curiosity by empowering the drinker to learn more about the process, its ingredients and all the tall tales to match.ā€

If you arenā€™t sure what to try when you visit Forgotten Boardwalk, we recommend giving trying their beer thatā€™s called ā€œWhat the Butler Saw.ā€ You can get a variant of this beer where it is conditioned with rose and hibiscus and it is a must try!

Until next time readers, see you at Forgotten Boardwalk Brewing and keep smiling.