Category: oral health

Home Care Dental Tips

Your smile is designed to last a lifetime if you take good care of it. The two most important things you should do to protect your smile are to practice effective oral care at home every day and visit Dr. Donn in Cherry Hills for regular checkups. Take Care of… Read MoreĀ»

Smoking Kills Smiles Just Like It Kills People

  Since 1965, the United States Congress has mandated that every pack of cigarettes must contain a warning label stating that cigarettes damage your health. Most people realize that cigarettes cause cancer and lung disease, but did you know that cigarettes are also extremely harmful to your smile? Smoking and… Read MoreĀ»

Gum Disease–A Threat to Your Smile, a Danger to Your Health

  According to the American Dental Association, almost 50% of Americans over the age of 30 are living with gum disease. The scary thing is that many of these people have no idea that they suffer from a hazardous condition which threatens the health of their smile. Preventing Gum Disease… Read MoreĀ»