Dental Implants for Tiger Woods

In Cherry Hill and Camden County, NJ, it is possible for us to restore Tiger Woods' missing tooth with a dental implant. Because the most common reasons for missing teeth are gum disease and tooth decay, many people forget that it is also possible to lose a tooth simply because of an accident. Professional golfer Tiger Woods was reminded of this very real possibility last month when he lost one of his front teeth due to an accident while in Italy. Fortunately, it is possible for Mr. Woods to restore his missing tooth using a dental implant. Today, Dr. Craig S. Donn is blogging from Cherry Hill and Camden County, NJ to talk about Tiger Woods’ situation and how a dental implant can help.

Restore That Missing Tooth with a Dental Implant, Tiger!

Recently, Tiger Woods made the long trip out to Cortina d’Ampezzo, Italy to see the Alpine Skiing World Cup. He had made the trip in the hopes of surprising his girlfriend, Olympic skier Lindsey Vonn, who was set to compete in the super-G race for what she hoped would be her 63rd World Cup win. During a rush to the podium directly after the race, a reporter with a shoulder mounted video camera stood and turned suddenly, causing his camera to hit Woods directly in the mouth. This impact resulted in one of Woods’ teeth being chipped and another being completely knocked out. Despite the accident, Vonn was still pleasantly surprised to see her boyfriend in her moment of victory.

Lucky for Tiger Woods and our patients, it is possible to restore missing teeth with dental implants. Dental implants are artificial tooth roots made from titanium that are placed in the empty spots left behind by missing teeth. Because of a process called osseointegration, dental implants are accepted by your jawbone and gums as a natural part of your oral anatomy. This process is possible because your body does not recognize titanium as an unnatural material.

Dental implants receive many benefits because of osseointegration. For instance, your implants should never get loose or move out of place because they are held permanently secured by your jaw structure. While other restoration methods need to be removed every night for cleaning, the permanence of dental implants allows them to require no additional maintenance other than your normal brushing and flossing to stay healthy. And, with only this minimal amount of care, your dental implants can end up lasting you a lifetime. Other restoration techniques, such as dental bridges or dentures, will typically only last about seven years before they will need to be replaced.

Call and Schedule a Consultation with Dr. Craig S. Donn

We recommend our patients suffering from missing teeth restore their smiles with dental implants because they are the only treatment that is permanent and comfortable. With the results possible with dental implants, you can rest assured that Tiger Woods won’t have to put up with his missing tooth for long! If you would like to learn more about dental implants or what it takes to be a candidate for treatment with them, we encourage you to contact us and schedule a no-obligation consultation with dental implant provider Dr. Craig S. Donn today.