Dental Implants And Your Oral Health

Our Cherry Hill, NJ area patients know the consequences of ignoring missing teeth.It would shock our many teeth restoration patients to know just how many people choose to go about their lives without replacing their missing teeth. There is this idea going around that if your missing teeth can’t be seen or don’t cause you any discomfort, then there is no reason to replace them. This is simply not true and, today, Dr. Craig S. Donn is blogging from Cherry Hill and Camden County, NJ to talk about just some of the negative effects missing teeth can have on your oral health. With this knowledge, we hope that our current and prospective patients will realize how important it is to replace missing teeth with dental implants as soon as possible.

Defend Your Oral Well-Being

Missing teeth can seriously harm your oral health because they leave gaps in your mouth. In particular, the holes left by your missing teeth can result in periodontal and gum disease. This is because these holes become what is known as “food traps”. What happens is food gets caught in these spaces in a way that makes it very hard to get all of the debris out. Any food that is left behind attracts bacteria, which creates acids that will proceed to eat away at your gums. This results in gum disease, symptoms of which include chronic bad breath, red or swollen gums, painful chewing, and gum recession. If left alone, gum disease can infect your teeth, compromising their health and they will need to be removed.

Another potential issue that can result from missing teeth is tooth decay. This is because when you have empty spots between your teeth, the surrounding teeth can begin to move or lean into those empty places. When this happens, the teeth tend to lean in strange positions, making it difficult to reach every spot of that tooth with a tooth brush, and they can even prevent you from flossing. If you are unable to properly clean your teeth, you are leaving behind food particles and plaque, which will proceed to form acids that will eat away at your teeth. This is called tooth decay, and if it is left alone long enough, it can compromise your tooth’s health to the point where it will need to be removed. Some symptoms of tooth decay include chronic bad breath, off color spots on your teeth, and toothaches. Tooth decay can also spread to your surrounding teeth, resulting in even more missing teeth.

Call and Schedule a Consultation in Cherry Hill and Camden County, NJ

As you can see from the information above, it simply doesn’t pay to ignore missing teeth. By ignoring the treatment you need, it is possible to experience even more problems that can end up costing you more money and discomfort. If you are ignoring the treatment you need because of the costs associated with dental implants and would like to learn more about our financing options, we encourage you to contact us and schedule a no-obligation consultation with Dr. Craig S. Donn today.