The Benefits of Dental Implants

You’re a resident in Cherry Hill and Camden County, NJ and you’ve got a few missing teeth. You’ve consulted with your dentist and your close friends, assessing the best replacements for that gap in your smile. At Craig S. Donn, DDS we offer quality dental implants that offer countless benefits to you and your smile. From appearance to health, our patients can find encouragement in the many benefits that dental implants have to offer.

The Side Effects of Tooth Loss

Before we delve into dental implants, it’s important to understand the consequences of tooth loss and what could happen if you wait too long for treatment. Regardless of how the tooth was lost – by accident, blunt force, tooth decay, or old age – the gap it leaves behind can be daunting to see. Like a blight on your smile, studies have shown that patients can be deeply affected by these gaps in their smile. One study even showed that patients who lost one or more teeth attributed the loss as similar to losing a limb.

This decrease in positivity about your smile can result in a decrease in confidence and  socialization. There are stories of patients refusing to leave their homes in fear of being judged for their gapped smile. With dental implants, this void can be filled with a strong, natural-looking replacement, restoring the confidence you need.

If you prolong the replacement of your lost teeth, there is a chance that further damage may come to your teeth. The neighboring teeth could shift out of place, or infections may fester in the empty space in your smile. Left alone, this damage could cost even more in repairs down the road.

Oral Health and Overall Health

Other than the repair to your confidence, there are a few healthy advantages to dental implants as well. The reason for the success of dental implants lies in the process of osseointegration. This fusion stems from an accidental discovery by a Swedish scientist, who discovered that titanium was biocompatible with bone and tissue. Implementing this discovery for the dental field, the modern dental implant was born.

When an implant is embedded, instead of rejecting the material the bone accepts it as an artificial tooth. The bone that was once struggling to heal can now regenerate and weave its fibers around the implant. It strengthens the bond between the implant and bone, ensuring that the dental implant will not weaken or fall out.

Repairing this gap in your smile with a dental implant can also have domino effects on your overall health as well. Many of our patients in Cherry Hill and Camden County, NJ didn’t realize that their oral health can reflect their internal health as well, from your cardiovascular to your respiratory system. When you place a dental implant, it improves the health of the area, which in turn can prevent infection, and spreading to your cardiovascular and respiratory system.

Look and Feel Like Natural Teeth

Dental implants are constructed from a combination process of titanium and a porcelain prosthetic crown. Each part is specially customized to fit comfortably in your mouth, regardless of which tooth you’re replacing. For the prosthetic crown, we can cut and craft the tooth to match your neighboring teeth so closely, it will be difficult to tell the difference.

At Craig S. Donn, DDS we understand that the smile completes the look, and the need for realism is a must. Dental implants are known as one of the most natural-looking tooth replacements available. It has an added bonus as being as durable as your normal teeth as well, tackling mealtimes like a real tooth.

See What Dental Implants Can Do for You

If you’re missing one or more teeth in Camden County and Cherry Hill, NJ, look no further than Craig S. Donn, DDS for your dental implant needs. At our warm and welcoming office, we invite you to schedule a consultation and find out if dental implants are best for you and your smile. Dr. Donn will be happy to sit down with you to discuss your options, answer your questions, and more.