Smoking Kills Smiles Just Like It Kills People


Since 1965, the United States Congress has mandated that every pack of cigarettes must contain a warning label stating that cigarettes damage your health. Most people realize that cigarettes cause cancer and lung disease, but did you know that cigarettes are also extremely harmful to your smile?

Smoking and Oral Health

Smoking damages the health of your smile in numerous ways. It leads to the following consequences:

  • Oral cancer
  • Damaged tooth enamel
  • Bad breath
  • Reduced sense of taste and smell
  • Tooth loss
  • Gum disease
  • Stained teeth
  • Reduced jawbone density
  • Increased plaque and tartar on teeth
  • Hinders recovery form oral Surgery
  • Dry mouth
  • Increased probability of needing root canal surgery

Smoking and Gum Disease

In addition to causing several types of oral cancer, smoking is also the number one preventable cause of gum disease.  This can eventually cause you to lose one or more teeth.

Smoking promotes the growth of gum disease in two ways.

  1. Smoking causes “dry mouth,” reducing your body’s ability to remove plaque from your mouth. And the bacteria which causes gum disease feeds on the plaque in your mouth.
  2. Smoking inhibits your body’s ability to deliver oxygen to your gums. Your gums need this oxygen to fight gum disease.

Help For People Who Are Trying to Quit

We know it’s hard to stop smoking. We have lots of patients who report that they have been trying to quit for years without success.  But don’t give up hope!  The American Lung Association provides resources for people who are trying to quit.  Good luck!

Screening for Oral Cancer

We provide free screenings for oral cancer during your regular checkups with Dr. Donn. Call your dentist in Cherry Hill to schedule your appointment today.